2014年8月24日 星期日

The World of Chan by Chan Master Wujie Miaotien

The World of Chan
By Chan Master Wujie Miaotien
Translated by Zen Meditation (facebook) 
The World of Chan is the world of truth, goodness and beauty. To reach the world of Chan, one must possess the spirit of transcendence to go beyond the afflictions of spirit, material and arrive at the Pure Land of the mind. By the transcendental wisdom, one is freed from all ignorance and surpass all knowledge. After acquiring the power of super-wisdom to transform oneself into the Pure Land of the mind, there is the world of truth, goodness and beauty and the forever rebirth in the land of Buddha and the heaven.

There are three changes in the state of Chan. One is the material world that can be perceived by eyes, like, you can see me and I can see you. The phenomena is the material world. Material world is also the world of physiology that encompasses the activities of the five senses, like sight, hearing, and thoughts. These are the sensations from the material world. Therefore, when one is very emotional, one will insist and be obstinate to the extent of being extremely unreasonable, believing only his or her opinion is right and others are all incorrect. This is the emotional world and is the world of forms.

Second, the world of the mind is the world of knowledge. This world is rational and it belongs to the 7th consciousness, our sub-consciousness. This world of the mind can be acquired through learning and experience. After one acquires the particular knowledge and specialty, one’s spiritual life, quality and state is escalated. This is going from the world of forms, the material world to the formless spiritual world.

3rd is the realm of the spirit, which transcends psychology and is the realm of Chan school that directly points at the heart of a person, the original mind, the purist, ultimate and the original inherent life- the 8th consciousness, the alaya illuminating realm. The 7th consciousness is manas and the 8th consciousness is the world of samadhi, the world of undisturbed, and the world of the spirit. As to the world of the spirit, no matter which religion one follows, as long as one can practice to reach the world of the spirit, one then can control one’s life, know the change of the nature, which enables one to transform oneself, the whole universe, the society, country and even the whole world because one has the ability to predict and has the power that transcends time and space. The world of the spirit is the realm of wisdom- the utmost, non-surpassing world. The world of the spirit shows in meditation, which is the true form, the reality, the truth of the divine nature. This is the world of Chan which is to escalate to the world of the mind from the material world to the world of the spirit. Being from the 6th consciousness, to 7th consciousness, and to the 8th illuminating pure world is from the world of forms, to leaving the forms and to reach the world of formlessness and reality. This is the state of Chan. The one who reaches the state of Chan is very perfect and is a saint who turns from the ordinary and has reached the sainthood, which is the highest state and this person is prophetic, which is very important.

If the world is such, there will be no conflicts, only peace and happiness. It is a world of great perfection, truth, goodness and beauty. So, while one practices, after one knows the meaning of Chan, its categories, and its benefits, one needs to be aware of the direction of practice, to know how to meditate and practice in order to reach bhutatathata realm of Chan.

